What Educators
Have To Say

"MY COMPETENCE AND FULFILLMENT as a teacher was boosted when I came in contact with the Applied Scholastics methodology. My influence to get people to learn with ease increased. I have more joy getting teachers and would-be teachers more equipped with skills for lifelong learning in the thousands. The series of success stories from the young and the old who have received Study Technology instruction from me are fulfilling. Each day, I derive more joy being a teacher and I cannot think of any better thing to do after over twenty seven years of a rewarding and unchequered professional life."
—Olatunde Odewumi, Ph.D.,
Professor FCE Pankshin, Nigeria
International Educator Hall of Fame Inductee 2017

"SINCE I WAS FIRST INTRODUCED to the Study Technology I have recommended with enthusiasm the Applied Scholastics teaching and learning system for professional development. I believe this learning methodology is one of the most commanding tools available to educational professionals. Its interactive learning strategy, concepts, tools, skills and effective teaching techniques provide an optimum knowledge base and learning environment for fellow educators in their efforts to maximize learning and teaching.
Mr. Hubbard’s contributions to educational methodology reflects current research on what we know about how people learn. This application allows students to become more accountable, self-directed and self advocating, while teaching them strategies and skills to help them think, learn, and develop more of their potential over an entire lifetime."
—Venetta Whitaker, Ph.D.,
Professor at University of Missouri at Columbia, USA

"In my fourteen years of teaching, the most powerful educational tool that I have come across has been the Study Technology developed by L. Ron Hubbard. The success of the Study Technology with math workshops led me to working for the last five years with this district, training experienced teachers and new teachers how to implement the tools and methods offered by Applied Scholastics. Because of the test score data, the district has promoted the district-wide implementation of several Applied Scholastics tools.”
—C.K., Professor of Education
“The basic premise of the Hubbard Study Technology is that if a student is succeeding you let him or her get on with it, but that if the student is in trouble (as more and more students today are) there is a new precise technology for solving that difficulty. This is a new look. L. Ron Hubbard has been bold enough to assert that for any learning problem there is a workable solution. Thousands of people trained in his Study Technology know this is true and feel they now have in their hands the missing tool necessary for both comprehension and the ability to apply in any chosen field of study.”
—B.F., Associate Professor of English

“As a teacher of English as a Second Language in a large inner-city high school, I have successfully used the Hubbard Study Technology to help my students become more able and acquire a greater understanding of the lessons they are taught. Other teachers and administrators in my school have noticed the change and improvement in my students’ test scores and speaking ability, as well as the atmosphere in my classroom. Their praise has validated my application of Mr. Hubbard’s Study Technology and its goals: that being a good teacher produces students who can apply what they have learned.”
—L.K., High School Teacher
“Rarely in a lifetime does an innovation come along that is multi-national and trans-generational that has the opportunity to change the complexion of its benefactors. Well, [we] discovered and partnered with Applied Scholastics and the Study Technology of L. Ron Hubbard to introduce a scientific approach to eradicate illiteracy."
—E.L.W. Bishop